Thursday, June 13, 2013

Libertarian Advocate Blowjob Award # 6 Goes to Connecticut Congressman John Larson for Being, Well, John Larson....

Congratulations John,  you're getting this award before Dannell Malloy for doing what you do best: Screwing your constituents.

A lead story out of Politico this morning covering a potential mass exodus of junior congressperps and their staffers all terrified by the financial implications of OBAMACARE, quotes Cong John Larson thus:
Rep. John Larson [CT, Dist 1], a Connecticut Democrat in leadership when the law passed, said he thinks the problem will be resolved.

“If not, I think we should begin an immediate amicus brief to say, ‘Listen this is simply not fair to these employees,’” Larson told POLITICO. “They are federal employees.
Maybe John, just maybe, you would have found that little gem of a provision in the bill had you had the stones to put up resistance to the psychotic wicked witch of the west, then your Speaker, when she infamously proclaimed We have to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it. Hmmmm???

But in some ways even more troublesome than your complete lack of gonadal fortitude in the run up to passage of that now plainly discernible fiscally catastrophic legislation, is your elitist attitude that somehow, your staffers are better and more important members of society by virtue of their status as "federal employees" than are your constituents whom you are meant to SERVE rather than screw over.

So John, enjoy your reward, you've earned it!

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