Monday, December 9, 2013

Well Now, Here's an Interesting Chart....

From the HuffNPuffington Post via

Here's my question: Can the Republicans snatch defeat from the jaws of victory??? With John Boehner in charge I think the odds are pretty damn strong.


  1. Yes they can, but the Republicans have to be smarter about how they do business - and the team must pull together.

  2. Answer: No, not always. Some races, sure.

    But I think it's a numbers game that favors an activist base. In fact, I think the attempt is being made to dispirit the base with just such talk of Republican suicide. Hell, if anything, anger today is stronger than in '10.

    I'm predicting a growth of Tea in the House and take-over of the Snots. Senate. Whatever.

    1. "I'm predicting a growth of Tea in the House and take-over of the Snots. Senate. Whatever."

      I'm inclined to agree with you, but then along come John McInsane and his girly-friend Lyndsey who re-affirm their eliteratti bonafides by taking sides with Harry and [up]Chuck against the principled members of their own party.
