Friday, December 13, 2013

Cairo Centennial Snow Event. Al Bore Unavailable for Comment....,0,1691393.story#axzz2nMzV6vMp

Serial Grad School dropout Albert Gore, Jr. was winging his way to some conference somewhere aboard his personal Gulfstream 7 nicknamed Goddamit, this Should Be Air Force One so he was unable to comment on this story. We'll assume his stock answer applies: "It's Climate Change!!!!!!!!  The world's gonna end in ten years!!!!! * Click the pic to get to the story.

* Counsel advises that we disclose that the immediately forgoing content is not a true statement of fact and is offered exclusively for its marginal comedic value.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Well Now, Here's an Interesting Chart....

From the HuffNPuffington Post via

Here's my question: Can the Republicans snatch defeat from the jaws of victory??? With John Boehner in charge I think the odds are pretty damn strong.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Ohhhh... This Should Work Really Well.... For Texas!

 The self-deluding thought processes of the American hard left - (a/k/a proggies) - are astonishing to behold.

‘We Are in a Progressive Moment Right Now’: Bill de Blasio Fund-Raises for Emboldened Left

The fund-raiser drew hundreds of attendees, including many of the city’s political elite, allowing for the awkward collision of the Democratic powers-that-be and the strident, anti-establishment rhetoric of some of the event’s speech-makers. Chris Shelton, a vice president with the Communication Workers of America, urged the attendees noshing on brie cheese to join a “revolution” against the “bankers, billionaire and brokers of Wall Street.”
Vote for me man, I'm a Progressive and a stoner too.*
“We are in a progressive moment right now,” declared East Harlem Councilwoman Melissa Mark-Viverito, an early endorser of Mr. de Blasio and a leading candidate for council speaker. “This honoree [Mr. de Blasio] represents the culmination of Jon’s tireless, brilliant and visionary work to build our city’s progressive infrastructure and to build coalitions across groups that made our movement stronger … It was this infrastructure that was built that just about a month ago enabled our city to elect its first progressive Democratic mayor in 20 years, our Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio.”

Am I the only one who thinks these nitwits will wind up being deeply disappointed with Bill DeBlasio's mayoralty ... sooner rather than later? Read all of it here.

* Not a real quote.