Vice President Joe Biden identified with the struggles of ordinary American in an Iowa campaign speech today.
"The unemployed are really in trouble," Biden said in a campaign stop in Dubuque."My grandpop used to say — from Scranton — he said, Joey, the guy in Dunmore, the next town over, when the guy in Dunmore is out of work it's an economic slowdown. When your brother in law is out of work it's a recession. When you're out of work it's a depression. It's a depression for millions and millions of Americans."
Biden then launched into a critique of Mitt Romney's record and outsourcing, saying he believes that the American worker is part of the problem. Story here with video.
Ehrrrrr... WTF???? Here I was thinking that the Obamaphate's central campaign theme is that we are in fact in a recovery - a slow one fer shure - but a recovery nevertheless. Biden is - once again - off the message reservation. It's almost as if Biden is really campaigning for Mittens.